The approach that I use is the concept of systems theory. The Systems Theory approach guides us in understanding what may be affecting your family as a whole through internal and external systems. Based on your family's initial assessment, we will be able to identify your parental concerns, follow the workbook curriculum, and set goals for improving your parenting skills.
Having worked with diverse populations with family reunifications, substance recovery, domestic violence, couples counseling, and individual counseling, client empowerment is very important to me. As a certified parent instructor, I offer training on the "10 tools to better parenting in the twenty-first century". This training curriculum meets the criteria for court orders and CPS service plans.
At this present time, you may be overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, irritability, anger, and stress. You could also be feeling grief and loss at this moment. I understand and empathize with you. Having worked in social services for 20 plus years & in mental health for five years, I will help you navigate through the courts and CPS mandates. My goal is to work with you to provide parenting tools and resources that will help change your immediate situation.