I offer a unique blend of experience, as a parent, grandparent, nurse; as well as a person who served 12 years as an elected School Board Member. I also served as one of the first elected African American women to serve as School Board President. During my tenure serving as a School Board member I worked hard to empower parents to be involved in your School Communities and classrooms. I worked as a Parent Educator for parents of color that were parents of children with disabilities.
I am a Certified Trainer of the National Council of Behavioral Health Youth Mental Health First Aid. This program prepares parents and all persons working with Youth the importance of taking proactive steps, utilizing great listening skills; as well as understanding key factors that a Youth may be experiencing that can led to self harm or suicide.
I have boldly served as an Advocate of best practice Parent Supports and services for over 40 years.
I bring experience. motivational practices, theory and passion for better living with the goal of embracing our parents and their children; full facet to live, celebrate and enjoy the gift of being a parent.